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Ms. Chasteen is a graduate of Vanderbilt University’s CAMPEP-accredited Diagnostic Medical Physics program. While in Nashville, Emily gained clinical training at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and satellite facilities as well as Tennessee Valley Healthcare System Department of Veterans Affairs. Ms. Chasteen also participated in an investigation of organ doses from CT scans in pediatric patients. She helped create a new generation of reference computational image-based phantoms designed for dose calculations for a variety of ages and weight percentiles. Prior to her graduate studies, Emily attended Furman University where she was graduated with a bachelors of science in physics, magma cum laude. During this time Emily researched fiber optic cable production and laser speckle imaging.
Ms. Chasteen is originally from Tucker, Georgia.
Wang D, Chasteen EJ, Onyeuku C. “Spectral Analysis of Dynamic Laser Speckle Patterns by Using a Full-field Temporal Modulation Method.” Optica Applicata. 43(4); 2013.