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Dr. Friis practices diagnostic medical physics, medical nuclear physics, and health physics at West Physics. He came to West Physics from the field of advanced plasma physics. His research encompassed the design of fusion reactors, which utilize extremely powerful magnetic fields to confine plasmas for the purpose of energy production.
During Dr. Friis’s tenure at West Physics, he has practiced medical physics in 49 states, 2 US Territories, and internationally. Now he primarily covers clientele in Florida and the Caribbean. Dr. Friis is the primary MRI subject matter expert for West Physics, which encompasses all aspects of MR Safety. Dr. Friis is board certified by the American Board of Radiology and the American Board of Magnetic Resonance Safety as a credentialed MR Safety Expert.
Dr. Friis is originally from Valdosta, Georgia.
Z. W. Friis, T. D. Rognlien, W. M. Stacey and R. J. Groebner, Comp. Phys. Comm., in preparation (2009).
Z.W. Friis, et al. 2009. “Analysis of neutral particle recycling and pedestal fueling in an H-mode DIII-D discharge”, in Review Physics of Plasmas.
W. M. Stacey, et al. 2005. “Investigation of the cause of the high-to-low mode confinement transition following multifaceted asymmetric radiation from edge formation in DIII-D”. Physics of Plasmas 12, 72518.
W. M. Stacey, et al. 2005. “A Subcritical, Gas-Cooled Fast Transmutation Reactor with a Fusion Neutron Source” Nucl. Tech 150, no. 2, 162-188.